Hypnotherapy For Fear Of Flying
Are you dreading your dream holiday?
Are you petrified at the prospect of the plane?
Is the flight looming and you’re thinking of cancelling it all and just staying home?
Come on in and let’s sort out that fear of flying once and for all!
We love fixing fear of flying.
No one has ever bottled out of getting on a flight after seeing us (as far as we know).
You could say that’s a 100% success rate!
Some people actually can’t wait to book their holiday!
If you want a solution that is:
- Quick (one to three sessions usually does it!)
- Ultra-relaxing (our super-comfy chair is the BEST)
- Very easy (You get lazy, feet up, eyes closed)
- Involves no planes (It’s done without ever having to try it out first)
- More affordable than going on a test flight
- Much better than ruining your holiday
Then we can:
- Calm you down very quickly
- Change your perception of your old fear
- Help you discover you’re not afraid of flying any more
- Give you confidence to get on that flight and have a brilliant trip
- Save you a fortune on cancelled holiday plans
So how much does it cost?
Hypnotherapy for fear of flying at Alexandra Hypnotherapy starts at £85 per session. We believe you get the best results with three sessions.
But we throw in an amazing 100% bespoke complimentary strategy session at the start to get to the very bottom of the problem so we can fix it in the most efficient way.
But the real question is what does it cost not to come?
- A cancelled holiday?
- Weeks/months of terror leading up to the event?
- Risk of being thrown off the flight or stranded somewhere?
- Not seeing loved ones?
- Disappointing other people?
- Lifetime regret about not overcoming it or just staying home?
When you put it in perspective like that, we are a bargain!
Now you, of course, don’t buy expert help on price.
You don’t put something as important as this down to chance, do you?Â
Trust me – you do not want to be trying to get this on this cheap at a place where you don’t trust the outcome.
Sure, you can waste a bit more time shopping around for a cheaper session rate, but can you be absolutely sure that the “cheaper” options are going to get you on that plane?
Now, the likelihood is, you haven’t got long before departure day. Most people book with just a couple of weeks to go.
Can you afford to trust that person (who might usually advise four to six sessions for hypnotherapy for fear of flying) to get you absolutely mentally ready, all fears gone, and on that big flight?
And the reason we say this is because fixing fear of flying is not 100% straightforward.
It is not a one-size-fits-all problem.
It needs a very bespoke solution.
For example, if your biggest fear is the plane doors closing and you can’t get out, then you don’t need someone using a script on you about how a plane works.
You have a form of claustrophobia and your solution will be found by solving that.
If you feel that you’d be okay if you were flying the plane, then you possibly need help with resolving another incident from the past where you were scared when things were out of your control.
And this might sound odd, but it is actually very rare to have a client who is actually scared of flying…
- Actually being scared of flying or the plane crashing 10%
- Claustrophobia 40%
- Being anxious about something else while you were once on a plane 25%
- Fear of not being in control 25%
The secret to success is solving what you are really scared about
Most people are scared of a repeat of something that they associate with the whole flight experience.
Here are just a few examples of what might actually be bothering you most:
- You’re scared you’ll have a panic attack on the plane and it will be very embarrassing and/or you’ll get thrown off the flight and/or ruin the holiday for everyone.
- You have a fear of sick and you’re terrified there will be turbulence and someone near you will vomit and then you will vomit and it will be the worst experience of your life.
- You get very hot and sick in enclosed spaces and it feels like you’re about to have a panic attack if you can’t breathe. You just want to get off the plane and get fresh air and you can’t.
- You get very hot and sick in crowded places and there are just too many people between you and the door.
- You feel you frequently need the toilet but you can’t go when the seatbelt light is still on and it panics you in case you have an accident.
- You don’t like being away from home for long, or too far from home. What if you can’t get back home safely?
- You have a health problem and you worry that if it flares up while you are abroad you won’t be able to get medical attention in a hospital because you don’t speak the language, it’s expensive and you prefer the NHS where you feel you’re in safer hands.
- You don’t like the hustle and bustle of the airport. It is too crowded and rushed and you’re scared you’ll miss your flight because you won’t know where to go or you’ll get lost or delayed. It all just feels too much and overwhelming.
- You once had a really bad time while on a flight with something else that was happening in your life. Maybe you worried the whole time you were away and you now have the same nasty feeling when you board a plane now.
- You have a fear of heights and can’t understand how the plane stays in the air.
- You’re scared of dying and being on a plane feels like too much of a risk because of all the movies you’ve watched about them. You’re also terrified about your children/loved ones being left with no one to care for them.
These are just a few. We’ve heard loads of different anxieties about flying.
Can you see why you need an approach as unique as you are?
Can you see why you need expert help from a team who genuinely understand how to solve fear of flying?
Can you see why you need to book in ASAP to give us as much time as possible to find your solution?
Join countless clients who made the right choice and resolved fear of flying at Alexandra Hypnotherapy.
You have far too much riding on this to leave it to chance.
Book in now for your complimentary** consultation to find your bespoke solution.
*For best results we recommend three sessions although significant improvements have been seen in clients after one session.
**£20 returnable deposit payable to secure your booking. You get it back when you come.
Let’s get you on that flight!
It's holiday time
You can live your life in terror and never leave the country…
Or you can use the world’s safest mode of transport and live your dream life.
Book your complimentary consultation now

Personal bespoke hypnotherapy for fear of flying session
fly calmly and in control- For best results we recommend three sessions for hypnotherapy for fear of flying.
Emergency bespoke hypnotherapy for fear of flying session
Make it on the plane calm- For best results we recommend three sessions for hypnotherapy for fear of flying.