Hypnosis for Stopping Smoking
Would you like to be happier, healthier and around £4,000 richer in just one year?
You can acheive all that with our genius hypnosis for stopping smoking session.
But first, a warning:
This is only for smart people who genuinely want to quit smoking.
Only read on if you’re serious about stopping smoking once and for all and are prepared to never smoke again.
Good. Now the losers have clicked away from the page, here’s some excellent news.
Michael, our resident stop smoking hypnosis expert, and I are getting some amazing results with the use of a little-known psychological tool which we know the others haven’t figured out.
While they are all into playing tapes and prancing through fields of imaginary flowers and trying to convince you that cigarettes taste of cow pat, we have devised a method which actually works*.
If you smoke and you want to quit, this is an excellent way to do it.
When you come to us to stop smoking, YOU WILL STOP – if you want to*.
Why? Because we use something a lot stronger than willpower or Champix or gum or patches to get you to permanently stub them out.
We use something you already have in spades.
At our dedicated stop smoking hypnosis clinic, we’ll show you exactly what that is and why you won’t ever want to smoke another cigarette for the rest of your life.
In a bespoke hypnosis for stopping smoking session, Michael and I employ the very latest in expert hypnosis and NLP techniques to work exclusively with smokers who are determined to quit.
If that’s you, and you are absolutely sick of cigarettes or cigars and want to stop – and stay stopped – keep reading to discover how you can:
- SAVE ££££ a year for life when you stop buying cigarettes
- Feel FANTASTIC to never touch a cigarette again for the rest of your life*
- SMELL GREAT without worrying if other people think you stink
- ENJOY feeling healthier and breathing better
- Cut your risk of smoking-related CANCERS
- Be more ATTRACTIVE to would-be partners
- Look YOUNGER than you would if you continued smoking
- Stop being a SLAVE to a habit that will kill you
Time Is Running Out
Do you really want to wait until you get a heart problem, lung cancer or an amputated leg? No, of course not. You’re not an idiot. You want to stop smoking now!
That’s right. You want to live longer; cut your risk of dying of smoking-related cancers; feel fitter; smell better; look better and save thousands of pounds a year – don’t you?
But you don’t need us to tell you that because you’re already sick of smoking and are probably desperate to quit now – hence why you’re on this page.
Our stopping smoking hypnosis program will help end that quitting and starting up again cycle so that you stop and stay stopped.
You will discover that those filthy cigs have no real power over you and that stopping for good is so much easier than you ever thought possible.
This Sounds Great – What Do I Do Now?
First, you’re going to see us for a free strategy session where we’ll have a good chat about your habits and your motivations – so we can find the best way for your brain to figure out that stopping smoking is easier than you ever imagined.
At the moment, both Michael and I run the session together – that means you get expertise from both of us for the same price.
You sit in a chair, you close your eyes, you’ll KNOW you’re hypnotised. And then you’ll know you won’t want to smoke anymore.
If you are serious about quitting, saving huge amounts of money, and living longer, then use our excellent online booking system to book that strategy session.
Alternatively, contact us by email or call/text us on 07960 969080.
Now the fee for this smoking cessation treatment is just £300. It includes the strategy session and an awesome 90-minute to two-hour treatment session. Given what you can save on cigarettes when you quit (let’s say 20-a-day at about £12 a pack = £360 a month = £4,320 a year), this is a bargain!!!! In fact on that basis, you are going to be about £100 richer by the end of the month…
This is a no-brainer really, isn’t it!
Stop paying to injure/kill yourself, start thinking about what you can do with that massive £360 a month SAVING, and book in now!
PS for lots more information on stopping smoking with us – visit our sister site – Stop Smoking With Michael D.